Vay – Cay – Shun!

Much as it pains me to admit it, I cannot be all things at all times. The job requires travel and study, constant study. (which is to say of course, drinking wine.) I am off to sunny Portugal, to get burnt, drink in cafes, eat olives, anchovies, drink dry wine, drink cheap wine, and drink… Continue reading Vay – Cay – Shun!

Categorized as Musings

Wine Selling in Saskatchewan

The Minister wants to make the SLGA more user friendly. This is a good goal, but truthfully I don’t have any trouble with the SLGA retail side. The staff is very helpful, and I’ve worked out how to get what I want.

inflationary times

Well folks, you know we’re back in the ’70s again when inflation strikes. Something I haven’t seen in 30 years, the return of the shrinking pour is back. Around 1980 meals, drinks, everything was shrinking before your eyes when you dined out. But for the last couple of decades we’ve been supersizing everything: 40 oz… Continue reading inflationary times

Categorized as Musings


For those of you who spent a few minutes counting cliches in the last column here is my (arguably) complete list. What’s the difference between a well worn common usage and a cliche?) That’s an editor’s call, but we all are editors at heart. Here’s my count. Genuine Cliches Everybody talks about [it] but nobody… Continue reading Cliches

Categorized as Musings