The King of Wines, the Wine of Kings

Next Phone has to have a flash

Next phone has to have a flash!

I spent last night at Cava Secreta with Cam Rizos & Co., drinking 1995 Barolos.  Note the plural.  We drank eight of them.

As everyone who has looked closely at my logo knows, I am a huge fan of Barolo, a wine that has a strong but limited following in N. America. (For example, to my knowledge Wine Spectator has never done an article on it.)

Drinking old wine is always interesting.  There is the romance of drinking something made when you were… where?  Clinton was in office in ’95 and Monica just leaving junior high…

But old wine is always somewhat risky.  Some bottles can provide all the pleasures of maturity, others only a fleeting glimpse of what they may have been.  And this was the case here.

Two of the releases were frankly past it.  One was corked.  Ah but the other five…

Barolo.  Nothing like it.

If you want to check out something other than the FontannaFreda or Antinori offerings from the SLGA stop by Cava Secreta.

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