BC Wines and pricing

Okay so I’m out to dinner last night, a freebie courtesy of Jackson Trigg, just so everybody knows what’s going on. It was at Weczeria, a great local bistro. The menu: Cod cheeks & lamb stuffed perogie with bacon bits & JT Proprietor’s Reserve [PR] Sauv Blanc Halibut & roasted cherry tomato chili with JT… Continue reading BC Wines and pricing

Cheap Wine for Winter!

  My bank account is appalling In debt I hate a-falling… Everybody loves a deal.  And under the current conditions it seems merely prudent to do so.  Here are three inexpensive wines that can get you through the freeze. In general all three nations offer great deals:  Spain, Portugal, and South Africa.  If you need… Continue reading Cheap Wine for Winter!

Mexican Wine ?!?

Yeah, I know.  Sounds like an oxymoron.  But it’s for real.  And if you’re a budget shopper, sticking beneath the $15 mark it’s well worth exploring.  I haven’t found any great wines yet, but I’ll keep looking.  Also I’ve had more luck with the whites than the reds so far.  Had a couple of chenin… Continue reading Mexican Wine ?!?

Categorized as Wine


It’s an odd business being a ‘public’ figure.  Honestly I didn’t think I was one, nor that I would become one.  I mean I write a wine column for gods sake! Anyway, today I had one of those encounters that happens regularly these days:  I’m at the checkout in Sobeys, buying a couple of cans… Continue reading Celebrity?