How Not to Cook

So I come home from the grocery store, through the rain, and start putting away the groceries. I keep a chicken breast out for myself for lunch. Feeling inspired I melt a couple of tablespoons of butter, add some slivered almonds and another spoonful of liverwurst. I am going to add pepper but the grinder… Continue reading How Not to Cook

Summer Sauces

When you get right down to it, most of the ingredients in our food our quite dull: meat, starch, veg. If you want to improve them you have to dress them up. Onions and nuts to the rice, butter and lemon over the broccoli, and hollandaise over the meat (and everything else for that matter.… Continue reading Summer Sauces

Greek Gifts

I was feeling all zorba-esque this week, so I bought three Greek wines to try. If you’re thinking retsina, you probably have bad memories of a party long long ago involving inappropriate behaviour. No one who actually likes wine, likes retsina. Near as I can tell, the popularity of retsina stems from a) smoking so… Continue reading Greek Gifts

Wine and Asian food

Asian food in general, and Thai in particular is murderously difficult to pair with wine. My fave with spicy food is Amontillado sherry served ice cold, but I’ve never yet found that on a menu. Jammy Australian wine works well. There’s no point in getting too expensive as the spice will overpower most wines. (Think… Continue reading Wine and Asian food